It is being widely reported that Interfin Bank have decided to go ahead and invest in the disputed CFX Bank Limited. In a recent article entitled "How Interfin got into bed with CFX" which appears at http://www.thestandard.co.zw/business/22311-how-interfin-got-into-bed-with-cfx.html it is clear CFX is suffering effects of being a disputed asset.In generall the market accepts my claim that CFX Bank was illegally and irreularly snatched from me.As result the market is trading cautiously with CFX Bank which has resulted in poor operational perfomance and poor share price performance.
It appears Interfin Bank have decided to inherit CFX Bank ownership problems.By trying to swallow an illegally aqcuired asset Interfin is now becoming party to money and transaction laundering.And this has its own benefits ,and consequences.
It appears there is a misunderstanding on why I have been publishing letters relating to claim for ownership of 309 million Century/CFX Bank shares. In addition some have asked why the matter is being raised 5 years after the 309 Million shares were irregularly sold and transferred.It is important that this matter be resolved to allow the Institutions involved to move forward.
When the illegal sale of my 309 million Century Bank Shares was done on or around 12 May 2004 I through my lawyers Ziweni and Company filed a high court application to block the sale of the shares. This record should still be there at the Harare High Court. As soon as we filed this application I was then specified without a hearing. This limited my ability to follow up the application. My lawyer and his firm was also specified. Leaving me without legal representation on the matter.
This was all done to ensure that the 309 million shares are sold, transferred and Century/CFX Bank is snatched from my Company – ENG Capital.
Several articles have been written highlighting how these 309 million shares and Century/CFX bank was grabbed from ENG Capital. Over the time we had hoped the current and previous Directors and Management of CFX Bank would reach out and try to find out what really transpired and resolve our claim. This is the normal way of doing business.
If you hear someone claiming ownership of your Bank or business you are expected to confront or engage that person to verify the nature of their claim. The CFX Bank Board, Management and shareholders somehow made the arrogant decision to behave as if everything is normal and totally disregard a claim which has been documented even at High court since day one of the fraudulent merger between Century and CFX Bank.
At this stage I have written to Interfin to document and alert them to the nature and magnitude of my claim.In addition my Lawyers Gutu and Chikowero Attorney at Law have also written to Interfin Bank advising them of the long running ownership dispute.Since this is ongoing I have created another website to document Interfin Bank's attempt to launder CFX Bank and legitimize an illegal seizure of my Bank .The Website is
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